$100,000 Abandoned Service Station Cleanup Grant Project

Red Shield Service Station Property

$100,000 Abandoned Service Station Cleanup Grant Project

Marion, Ohio


In 2015, Phoenix Environmental advised the City of Marion that this Property was eligible for grant funded cleanup.  Historical records indicated that the Property was used as a retail gas station and service station between the 1950s and the early 1970s, and during the 1960s and 1970s, co-operated as a restaurant.  Based on interview information and a 2017 geophysical survey, three underground storage tanks (USTs) of unknown size were still located on the Property.  The building structure was damaged during a fire and was a health and safety hazard.  This dilapidated eyesore was a burden to the community and the City of Marion did not have funds to clean it up.


Phoenix Environmental assisted the Marion County Land Reutilization Corporation with obtaining a $100,000 Fasttrack grant through the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA), in partnership with the Ohio EPA and BUSTR.  Following this, Phoenix Environmental was engaged by Buckeye Elm and the Marion County Land Revitalization Corporation to conduct Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal and various BUSTR and Ohio EPA corrective action assessments of the Property.  Activities conducted at the Property included:


Remedial activities included removing some areas of contaminated soil and placing a soil cap over other areas to prevent contact with contaminated soil. Additionally, existing building foundations were deemed as physical barriers to prevent contact with contaminated soils and groundwater.

On October 16, 2017, the former Fairfield Engineering Property was granted No Further Action (NFA) and a Covenant-Not-to-Sue (CNS) status by the Ohio EPA.  A CNS protects the property owner or operator and future owners from being legally responsible to the State of Ohio for further environmental investigation and remediation relating to known releases.


BUSTR granted NFA status to the UST removal in November of 2018.  NFA status for the Phase II release occurred on January 24, 2019. This grant project was completed ahead of schedule and under the ODSA budgeted grant amount.